A new study suggest an increase of testosterone using red light therapy.
An Italian Study had men apply 30 minutes of red-light-therapy each morning and an equal group receiving a placebo. Results showed that daily exposure significantly increased blood testosterone levels. In fact, they found that testosterone levels increased by more than 50 percent in men. These men also saw their sexual satisfaction levels more than triple. Light therapy has been featured in Men’s Health, LA Times, Men’s Fitness, WedMD, and the Chicago Tribune. https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19531828/light-therapy-libido/
Anecdotally, The president of Gorilla Wand is a 66-year-old male, in good health with type II diabetes which is under control. The normal rate of decrease in testosterone in human males is up to 3% per year after the age of 30, so that meant his levels could be at zero. Symptoms of low testosterone include fatigue, decreased motivation/drive, decreased mental clarity, increased body fat, decreased libido, decreased muscle mass, and irritability. Testosterone helps combat depression (common with senior citizens) and increases overall energy levels.
Our president’s testosterone levels were at 164 ng/dl, which is well below the normal range of 200 ng/dl to 600 ng/dl. He asked his primary care physician for help who then referred him to an endocrinologist (hormone specialist) for treatment. She prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Initially, his levels increased a bit then fell off. The doc increased his dose whereby his levels increased a bit more but never reached the bottom of the normal range.
Because of the TRT, his testicles atrophied (shrunk) which is normal with this kind of treatment. In July of 2019, he started using red-light-therapy to boost his testosterone levels. His testicles regained their original size, and then some, and his energy levels, libido, and sense of well being increased. When he told his endocrinologist about what had happened, during his next regularly scheduled visit, she immediately ordered a new set of labs as shown below. An increase of 76.6% in testosterone levels had resulted from the use of red-light-therapy. His levels (348 ng/dl) are now well within the range of a healthy 30-year-old male.
The identities of the primary care doctor and the endocrinologist are available upon request.