
For Educational Purposes Only
The information provided is not intended to support the safety or effectiveness of our products. Neither is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is only intended to supplement information provided by your healthcare provider.

100,000 Generations

Mankind has lived on this earth for at least 100,000 generations. For about 99% of all of that time, he was completely dependent upon the sun for light. The duration of each day was spent outside in the sun, hunting or gathering, or doing whatever activities that were needed to stay alive.

So for about 2 ½ million years, man,” absorbed” the full spectrum of light from the sun, all day…. every day. The health and well being of humans became dependent upon individual wavelengths of light emanating from the sun. The sun’s full spectrum helps with bone strength and increases the hormone called serotonin which increases our sense of well being.  

Sunshine reduces stress and it helps heal depression and anxiety. But did you know that sunlight strengthens our mitochondria? Yes, it actually increases the energy level within each cell. It boosts the immune system, fights cancer, increases testosterone and promotes hair growth.

5 Generations Ago

About 5 generations ago, everything changed, when Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

Now very few of us spend all of our time outside in the sun but instead are indoors where we depend upon fluorescent and other forms of artificial light.

Our bodies became accustomed to utilizing special wavelengths of sunlight for our health and healing but, because of Edison, we have been deprived of these benefits.

Virtually Ignored

In 1967 when two professors used a special red light laser to try to cure cancer in rats. They failed to cure any tumors, but did discover by accident that this special red light grew hair. What an accidental discover, how to stimulate hair growth.

Later in 1993, NASA wanted to conduct plant growth experiments in outer space. They wanted to use the deep-red wavelength of light, but the only light source available was from lasers which they didn’t want to use. So NASA had a special type of Light Emitting Diode, (LED) developed which would produce “deep-red” wavelengths.

The experiments in space demonstrated that these special red LED wavelengths could boost plant growth. (by the way, those same LEDs are what all of the pot growers use today). But more important than the plant growth results were that the astronauts found that, skin lesions accumulated by the astronauts from their daily activities, upon application of this special red light, began to heal faster. NASA subsequently began to study the use of these red-light LEDs to see how they could increase the metabolism of human cells and stem the loss of bone and muscle for, it’s astronauts.


Thanks in large part to the astronauts, over 5,000 studies have now been done on red-light therapy and red-light therapy devices are for sale just about everywhere. But they are not all created equal.